Tasty mint Pineapple drink recipe

Thanksgiving drink for your Christmas celebration

Medicinal properties of Pineapple

Pineapple is a sweet and tasty fruit. Pineapple is also a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Vitamins A, B, C, E, K, and iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, and zinc are also present in pineapple. It also contains fiber, various antioxidants, and enzymes.

 Pineapple provides many benefits for the health and beauty of the body. Most of the benefits of pineapple are due to the enzyme 'bromelain' (bromelain). It helps in breaking down protein and digestion. It is said that eating pineapple every day can help keep cancer away.

Medicinal properties of mint leaves.

Regular consumption of mint leaves is good for gastric cleansing and stomach disorders. It also helps to pass urine better. Mint is also used as a remedy for ailments like asthma and allergies. All parts of the plant are medicinal according to Ayurveda. Mint leaves are also used to treat colds and skin diseases.(asianet.com)&(Wikipedia)

Tasty mint Pineapple drink recipe


Half a pineapple

Sugar 1/2 cup

 water As required.

A handful of mint leaves

How to prepare

  • Peel the pineapple, cut it into small pieces
  • wash the mint leaves well.
  • Add enough water, sugar, chopped pineapple mint leaves and beat it in a mixer grinder.
  • Pour into a strainer to remove waste.
  • Pour into serving glass.
  • Can be decorated with mint leaves.
