Healthy vegetarian salad recipe

 Vegetarian salad recipe for diabetic patients- Bitter Gourd Salad

Bitter Gourd

Bitter gourd originated in India. Bitter gourd is a vegetable with a bitter taste.

The root and leaves of bitter gourds are medicinal.

Vegetarian salad recipe for diabetic patients- Bitter Gourd Salad


Bitter gourd 1 medium size 

Coconut oil for frying

Tomatoes 1 medium size

Onion 1 medium size

lemon    1 medium size

Green Chili 1 no's

salt to taste

How to prepare

Cut the bitter gourd into small pieces  add salt and chili powder mix well and set aside.

Cut onion. Green chili and tomato into small pieces.

Heat the coconut oil in a pan and fry bitter gourd.

Put the fried bitter gourd  in a mixing bowl. Then add chopped tomatoes, onions, green chilies , lemon juice, taste to salt and mix well.

Healthy and tasty salad is ready.

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